Graphic Design

Experimental Communication

Stay Alone or Work Together is a collaborative work with Yingwen Wang which uses the idea of proxemics to investigate preferred interpersonal distance. In this work we started with analyzing social interactions in Paddington station. We were inspired by Heiko Hecht “The way we position ourselves spatially is an important part of our social interactions with other people”* which in- spired us investigate our own identity and personality through or feelings about personal space. As a collaborative project, we experimented with each other through different communication methods such as performance, drawing and writing. In the final outcome, we created an emotion- al video to talk about social relationship in the contemporary world.

Date: 08/2019
Site: Paddington Station
Liangxu zhang & Yingwen Wang Single Channel Video 
Duration: 4: 12
Video link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=87AgHWqszWw Navigator Project