Graphic Design

Experimental Communication

My Place in a Non-place Series

June 2022, Installation, Performance

My Place in a Non-place Series is a multi-disciplinary work, which includes installation, performance, and video. This project illustrates a hacker who uses Google Maps to transform the body in her hometown (North East China) through three different spaces: anthropological place, meta-space, and non-place.

Guide: PHGR+2M

June 2022, Audio Map, Installation

Guide: PHGR+2M is an interactive installation design which illustrates an anonymous hacker roaming on a cybernetic hometown landscape on Google Maps, investigating how Humans are increasingly reliant on cyberspace for their social activities and attributes. Site-specific writing is used as a design method, transforming the writing into an audio and interactive installation to entwine the audience in a narrative that shifts through time and space in the hacker's hometown (North East China).

Extravagant: Wander Outside or Beyond

December 2022, Research Project

Extravagant: Wander Outside or Beyond is a collective map of my walking journey in Richmond Park, a portrait of times through autumn to the winter. Be inspired with the book Entangled Life, a series of scientific knowledge of the fungi.

Survival is Adaption

June 2021, Installation, Photography

The basis for survival is adaptation: when creatures have to face the extreme living environment, when the ocean becomes a habitat for survival, when computers become a reliable natural environment. The ability of facing the contingency becomes a working methodology.

On an endless river, where mammals and computers are living together, facing the disaster of climate warming, their diverse capacities coalesce into a supported partner. In this quick development of technology, how humans will adapt the risk, we will never know.

Decode Lab 2021

June 2021, Printed Edition, Publication

The Zine contains the work of 26 designers and artists. Thematically exploring the concept of “decode”, it extends into several different directions such as the idea of a Mobius Ring, Invisible and Visible, Archives, Identity, Physical and Digital, etc. We gathered the reflections to these topics in a zine, which can be passed along as a physical object. Audiences are able to leave a comment under different works to take part in the art projects, as well as enter a digital world of AR by scanning the designated images. When people finish reading, they can pass it to another person.

Society/Identity | Public Space/hiding things | Visible/invisible | Human/ Nonhuman | Digital/physical | Archive/Data

Reciprocal Home

March 2021, Agency Design, Workshop

If this exchange-based family relationship continues, the home becomes a cold “reciprocal machine”, “all activities are subordinate to the goal of mutual benefit”, “people become objects”, and become social adaptations. The “automatic machine” operated by this huge economic machine, and the “automatic machine” is not going to love.

Home Creator in the Future

February 2021, Moving Image

Teenagers in the future are mature, stable and young at heart. They have a creative ideas about home in the future, reversing traditional fixed thinking. They have problem-solving skills, creativity, and the ability to think critically and logically.